Lenvica is a fashion magazine made in Japan.
レンヴィカ メイドイン ジャパン

I developed a kind of weird sentiment towards Savannah, where I grew up, because of the lack of anything going on there. It made me dive deep into the stuff I was into, hoping that I'd be able to make it out one day.
I was born in Tennessee. But my family moved around a bit because my father was in the military. So I've lived in like Germany, I was like really little, and then I ended up moving to Savannah, and that's where I lived for like most of my life, and I just recently moved to New York, like this month.
Savannah, it's a big retirement, especially because we were deployed there, and we ended up just staying there. My father retired, so we ended up just staying in Savannah. It's a big retirement city and a big, military city. So a lot of people there, it's big for pouring and a lot of old people and stuff. It's a very pretty city. Cause it's like right along the river, which is why it receives so many tourists, but like day to day, it's like very calm where I specifically lived was outside of the city. From Savannah, I kind of look back at, like, Savannah as, it's very down south. And I think now, especially with how I've progressed and everything, I kind of idolize this kind of western like, southern thing, just seeing how people are like. It took time to kind of appreciate some things, I think value isn't something to appreciate. But it's like little things, kind of like southern charm of the area, it was very nice, very pretty. Everyone's doing their own thing ish. Living in Savannah, that's the big thing I was thinking. A little bit difficult, especially being into the stuff I was into. I started off drawing and doing a lot of that stuff. And, it kind of wasn't seen as like a viable way or a viable thing to do or like something that I should pursue. I had like one good friend, who was into the same stuff. And then I kind of just took that and developed a kind of weird sentiment towards Savannah, because of the lack of anything going on there. And it kind of just made me appreciate stuff more and really take advantage of the stuff I was into and really dive in, dive deep more into it, hoping that I'd be able to make it out one day and actually do something with my interests.
I am the oldest brother in my family. But just one year difference. So, my other brother just turned 18, I'm 19, and my other brother just turned 17. We're all, around the same age so it's not like that thing when you have a little brother you can kind of put them on or something. They just kind of did their own thing because we're so close in age. I couldn't really relate to them with a lot of stuff, I would try to talk to them about stuff and they'd kind of be like "what are you talking about?" Kind of like looked down on stuff, but it was fine, it wasn't like anything crazy was expected from them. I guess, being how they were. I didn't like hold them to any standard, but it definitely felt weird being at home where it was everybody kind of viewed me as this kind of weird kid, especially my family.
There was nothing much to do, especially when I lived in the suburbs, I couldn't get anywhere. So I was kind of just home bodied, my influence it's, I didn't really have anybody in my life that really showed me anything. I can't think of anybody in Savannah, before I started getting into anything, who showed me anything. That was like, um, very cool. Whenever I stumbled upon, the skate scene, Sean Pablo, the skater was like one of my big influences. And that's how I like got into a lot of fashion stuff. Like I started skating on my own time. Nobody around me was doing any of that. Nobody around me was participating in fashion or like doing anything like that. So I kind of, in a way, discovered it on my own, if that makes sense . Enough to be ego or anything, but nobody I knew growing up, it's like a pivotal moment for me, discovering that stuff or like finding out my interests and whatnot, or looking at the facts.
It's just like, nice to think about and just dwell on, kind of takes you back to reality sometimes. And I think that's a good thing to do. And especially with clothes, I think building a relationship good and bad is like one of the, the most beautiful things I think you can do with clothes. It's just like, it really does become a part of you after you wear it. It's synonymous with who you are. I have this like red leather jacket that is, to me, especially because it's cold now, I don't have too much outerwear at the moment, especially heavier outerwear. It was kind of, I bought it on a whim, it was like I didn't know if I should get it or not. And I just was like "okay, I'm gonna get this", like I feel like I need this right now so I got it. And it kind of started off where I was like, I don't really know if I'm gonna be able to wear this as often. But now, it feels like a best friend in a sense, in a weird way to put it but it's like it's just, I've slept with that jacket on, it's like I hold it to me so close. It's like, a relationship in a way where it's, it is mine, if that makes sense. It's just like, you know, it's like my buddy. It could be my girlfriend, at this point, it's like, okay, I love this. It's just there for me, all the time. And it doesn't even have to be something that is so consistent. I have skinny, these pair of, like really skinny jeans that I like. Don't wear super often, because it's, I have to be in a, in a, in a certain mood to wear super skinny jeans. But like, I like still love those. Because, I don't know, like the confidence and everything that I have when I wear those, or even when it's bad moments, I feel like it's so chic to have these things in this clothing. That's also another thing that I like to look back and think moment happened in this cloth, and attach that memory to it, to where it's like, it also builds the relationship and the same sense of having a friend. Like, you know, there's good moments and there's bad moments, but if it's, it's a piece of clothing so it's not really gonna leave you, but it's, it's always gonna be there for you. Like, do the good and do the bad. And I feel like it's such a, it's a self-representation of you. Like you're wearing it to express yourself. It's synonymous with you and you're building it in a way, where it's a best friend but also it's you. I don't know, I like developing those like close feelings with my clothes, umm and just, yeah, it's a best friend almost.
I like developing this kind of obsession, with clothes, but you can't really do that with people, they're gonna like, do whatever, and I find that also intriguing. Of course, people are gonna be people, and I love having those relationships where it's unpredictable. It's fun, everything is like, it's just another day for both, clothes and people. I just think the difference is like, I don't know, people are gonna be able to talk and move and make their own decisions about clothing. Not in a psychotic way, but your clothing can never really leave you unless you sell it or something. It's just there and even damaging clothes, I would find repairing or doing whatever, it's also very cool. And just, it makes it a lot more personal to you, where it's like you damaged it and now you're repairing it.
I feel like, um, everything's kind of just like, it plays into who I am, just because I still feel like, although making it out the city or making out of Savannah, I still feel like there's still this like box kind of placed on me just from family values and stuff that it's like, I still look up to a lot of. Especially like how people use that to make a name for themselves and do things, Literally what I want to recreate with my life is just do something that is not necessarily so weird or like just very catches people off guard. Kind of doing my own thing, which is I feel what everybody else was doing.